Monday, April 5, 2010

autumn's coming

My favourite month of the year is just around the corner.

I love Autumn. I love the change that happens before my eyes - the fresh green vista turns to brilliant reds and golds almost overnight. I love watching the leaves flutter to the ground,
like they have all the time in the world.

I love immersing myself in an imaginary world, creating kingdoms far from the prying eyes of grown ups and strangers. Making something magical, with only a pile of old leaves and sticks

I love waking up and finding myself surrounded in a blanket of haze.
I love early morning walks through grass touched by Jack Frost.
I love bonfires and toasting marshmallows on sticks.

I love lazy Sunday afternoons, sunning myself like a cat in the warmest spot of the house.
I love big mugs of Chai tea, and bowls of vegetable soup.

I love dresses with tights.
Boots and scarves.

But most of all, I love that I have 3 months of this :)